Arcadia Quest
1. Mantas T
2. nkb
kailas rašė:Jei briefing nebūna parašyta win/lose condition, tai ir nežinot.
"Events form the initial structure and changing rules of a given mission. A mission can consist of any number of events starting with “Mission Briefing” and concluding with “End of Mission." Each event can contain any combination of story text and additional rules that apply to the mission. When an event is triggered, all of the text and rule information within that section is read aloud and resolved, in order."
The one exception is: "In some cases, an event will require the Imperial player to choose one of a number of effects, which can be instant or ongoing. When he chooses one, he reads the effect aloud and resolves it, but he does not read or resolve any of the unchosen effects."
Campaign Guide, page 2
Redblock rašė:Taigi šiandien Pathfinder Rise of Runelords Grand finale. Epinė kova su epiniu bosu ir taip toliau
Kitose naujienose. Renkama piratų laivo komanda Pathfinder card game Skull and Shacles campainui, į laivą telpa 4 žmonės, kapitonais gaus pabūti visi. Jei norinčių šiandien galime pravesti herojų kūrimą ir viena kitą startinę partiją.
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